Core values of the OIC-AC
1. The OIC-AC is dedicated to independence and impartiality:
- The OIC-AC is a fully independent and autonomous centre.
- The OIC-AC is not affiliated with any country.
- The OIC-AC does not represent any political, social, cultural, or economic position.
- The OIC-AC is not controlled or governed by any state or region.
2. The OIC-AC is dedicated to neutrality:
- The OIC-AC is the ultimate professional and neutral centre.
- The OIC-AC is not involved in any political issues, nor does it arbitrate state politics.
3. The OIC-AC is dedicated to transparency:
- The OIC-AC adheres to the principle of transparency in all of its functions including dispute management, selection of the members of its International Supervisory Board, and the appointment of the arbitral tribunals.
4. The OIC-AC is dedicated to professionalism:
- The organs of the OIC-AC i.e. the Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors, the International Supervisory Board, and the Secretariat are composed of the most professional and eminent figures worldwide in ADR, law, finance, and investment.
5. The OIC-AC is dedicated to global partnership:
- The OIC-AC welcomes and seeks partnerships with global and regional institutions not only in the ADR industry but also in other legal and financial industries.