Parties willing to refer to arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the OIC-AC may adopt the following model arbitration clause in full, or make the necessary modifications as per their specific circumstances:
“Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or in connection with this contract, or the existence, interpretation, application, breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, shall be finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the OIC-AC in force on the date of the submission of the Notice of Arbitration in accordance with those Rules.”
Parties may opt to include the following provisions in their model arbitration clause:
The arbitral tribunal shall consist of one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the Rules.
The seat of the arbitration shall be … (name of city and/or country)
The language of the arbitration proceedings shall be…… (name of language)
This contract is governed by the rules of law or substantive national law of … (name of the State) exclusive of any conflict-of-laws rules that could require the application of any other law. ”